The District does not have authority over Union Pacific Railroad, its trains, or their honking. The railroad tracks are not within the district’s boundaries. Further, Municipal Utility Districts only have powers granted to them by statute. MUD 140’s authority is limited to water, sewer, drainage, recreational facilities, and related matters.
Union Pacific and the various train conductors that use the railroad may not be aware that the railroad tracks near MUD 140 no longer have a grade level crossing. Please feel free to contact Union Pacific. It will be helpful if you can tell them the day and time the train’s horn was blowing; otherwise they won’t be able to discern which conductor was blowing the horn.
Union Pacific Houston and Texas Gulf Coast Public Affairs Contact
Richard Zientek
Sr. Director, Public Affairs
24125 Aldine Westfield Rd., Spring, TX 77373
Phone: 281-350-7178
Cell: 713- 228-7045
Fax: 402-997-2011
Union Pacific Mailing Address and Phone
Union Pacific Railroad
1400 Douglas Street, Omaha, NE 68179
Phone: 402-544-5000 or 888-870-8777