Weather Alert
The District is monitoring the weather and projected level of the Brazos River at the Richmond gauge, as published by the National Weather Service, Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service. The District has a risk of flood waters entering the community from the Brazos River once the river reaches approximately 52 feet on the Richmond gauge.
As a precaution, if the river level at the Richmond gauge is projected to exceed 45 feet, the District will activate an emergency response plan and install Tiger Tubes along the future alignment of the District’s South Berm (seen below) to prevent or mitigate water from backing up into the District from the south and through the District’s outfall pipe. You may recall that Tiger Tubes were deployed north of the District in 2019 as a precautionary measure; however, as the District’s “DRS Berm” has been completed along that alignment, the tubes will not be installed in that location. The District will also rent pumps for both the north and south locations to pump water up and over the berm and Tiger Tubes if necessary.